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From George Town we headed back to the mainland and continued our way down the west coast towards the capital city. On our way we passed through a series of uninspiring towns connected by horribly busy roads. When we occasionally managed to find a back road we would gratefully escape the madness to find lush … Continue reading
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Leaving our truly wonderful bungalow nestled amongst the verdant tropical rainforest of the Khao Sok National Park was incredibly difficult; it was one of those places where we wish we could have had more time. The room was a perfect temperature (very important to cyclists in the tropics), it was immaculately clean, there was no … Continue reading
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The Cambodian/Thai border was up there with one of the busiest we have crossed on this journey. Fortunately we did not have a repeat performance with any corrupt officials as we exited Cambodia, although they did insist on recording all our fingerprints on an electronic machine. The only place I think I’ve had this before … Continue reading
This page is intended to give you some idea of how we cycled from Siem Reap to Bangkok, with a lot of focus on the last day into Bangkok, and the first day out of Bangkok heading south. Siem Reap to Cachoengsao: 3 days cycling, 329.8km Day 1: Siem Reap to Serei Saophoan The first … Continue reading
This page is intended to highlight some of our lessons learned whilst cycling across Turkey, the Caucasus and Central Asia in the winter of 2014 / 2015. If you want to get more detailed information about cycling in the extreme cold we would suggest you start by visiting Shane Cycles and Helen Lloyd; both experts … Continue reading
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